We chose Parris Island!
Matt's already working on his re-enlistment package getting everything to get it in fairly soon. If there is a bonus for re-enlisting, we should find that out in a week or so (crossing every finger for a bonus, but it's not looking good for bonuses this year for anyone).
We're not guaranteed that Matt's DI package will be approved, they could always deny it for one reason or another. Our backup is basically anything non-deployable, this next enlistment is going to be the baby making enlistment (we will be 29 at the end of it), so we both want him to be HOME! The only thing that may hurt Matt for the DI package (besides the number of Marines also applying for the same thing) is that he's not a Sergeant yet, and would need to be by the time he graduates the school. That really should've came a while ago, so we're just hoping it'll happen any month now. Matt needs about 80 more points to pick up that rank, and when he re-enlists he will get 60 points, so if it doesn't happen before re-enlistment with a board (where a few higher ups choose you to be promoted) it should happen soon after with the point system they have. He just needs to be a Sergeant upon completion of the school (it's a requirement), which would be a year from now. I don't see it not happening within the next 12 months, but you never know with the Marine Corps!
We are expecting this re-enlistment to be a huge mess because it has been for everyone else we know. The competition is very high, I think this year will be even worse than everyone who re-enlisted last year. More and more people want to stay in, and there's just not enough room for everyone so it's going to be probably 6 months of complete madness, not to mention he deploys one week before the official start date of re-enlistment (October 1st), so that'll just be a disaster probably!
I'm just going into it believing that whatever is meant to happen will happen. If the DI package gets denied, then that wasn't where God wanted us to be. Maybe we won't even have a spot and go back home! Who knows where this will take us, but I really hope we can go to Parris Island. We shall see!