Monday, September 6, 2010

It's been a while AGAIN!

I am excellent at forgetting about this blog.

Okay, well Matt re-enlisted, which seems to be all I've been talking about in my past few posts. Hopefully we will get a tiny little bonus in one of the next few paychecks, which will turn right around and go straight to the car loans. Hello, goodbye!

7 days after Matt's re-enlistment was the send off for his second deployment, which I do not even want to talk about, because I am so irritated that it has been extended to 9 months. But now that I've opened up that can of worms by saying I'm not going to open up that can of worms...

- Why is the MEU extending the deployment 2 months before they even get to Pakistan, because if Pakistan doesn't want or need them for that long, then they've extended and have nothing planned to do with that extension. I'm not even asking that question for people to answer, I just feel like it would be smarter to wait until you get there at least.
- I can no longer watch NBC Nightly News. With the IED's and suicide bombings, and the Taliban gaining control with all of the flood chaos, I don't really see any difference between this and Afghanistan as far as safety goes. Super.
- Matt worked until the very day he left. And we did not get leave.

I am very upset!!!! >:(

Moving on.

Fall is coming, woohoo. Izzy is still completely overweight, darn. I need to go to Wal-mart, crap.

I should not have opened up that can of worms.

1 comment:

  1. you nedd to post more. i like reading bc youre funny. the end
