Allissa and I at our first Food Lion of the day

Poppin [water] bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
So as you can pretty much tell... I bought a crap ton of Propel today. But I don't even know if I want to say that I "bought" it, because really I stole it? But it was legal?
....Today I found a great deal on Propel at Food Lion and bought 20 bottles at next to nothing. Allissa called me at noon and naturally I didn't answer because Allissa should know that this gal sleeps til 2 in the afternoon. Then she texted me that she was going to pee her pants, and concerned that Allissa had some weird bladder infection that I needed to be informed of, I woke up. But it was pee from excitement, and as far as I know her pants stayed dry. We have been searching for a really good deal on Propel (we as in she kind of just lets me know...), and she found it today! Propel water on sale at .50 cents a pop at Food Lion. POW POW!
We have previously ordered one dollar off two bottles coupons from Ebay. I had ten and Allissa had forty. Ten coupons = twenty bottles. One dollar off two bottles when each bottle is only 50 cents = free. Well.... = tax because nothing is ever free. Except hugs.. Unless you want to charge someone for one and then I guess it wouldn't be in that case.
We went to the closest Food Lion to us, the coupon saving trio of Allissa, me and Ryleigh. Ryleigh was probably the most pumped. Armed with the Food Lion coupon policy, we ask how many coupons we can use at one time. We're told ten. Fail. So I buy all of the green Propel there is (12 bottles, so 6 coupons) and Allissa buys 20 bottles and uses 10 of her coupons. She spent 80 cents and I spent I believe 36 cents. OFF TO THE NEXT FOOD LION!
We went to the next Food Lion and they didn't have much Propel, but naturally Allissa bought it all. We started getting really annoyed at this point that there is a lot of grape and really nothing else. I didn't use my 4 coupons here because I hate everything but green. (Green is not a flavor, but I am from Atlanta and we use colors for flavors. My favorite flavor of Koolaid is red. Make of that what you will.) Allissa spends another 80 cents, I walk out empty handed and Ryleigh is really upset about juice.
Next Food Lion, and Ryliegh gets her juice. She's ready to move forward. I grab 12 more greens and Allissa uses more coupons and gets more free water. At this point people think we're cool, which is nice. At the first Food Lion, people were just pissed off and doing the heavy attitude sighs and moving to other registers. F 'em.
Fourth and final Food Lion. Allissa has 14 coupons left and I am spent. The big plot thickener: Will this Food Lion limit her to ten coupons or can she buy 28 bottles of Propel and use her 14 coupons all at once?
Dum dum duuuum....
No one cared and she used her 14 coupons. This was the big splurge purchase because I'm pretty sure Allissa's 28 bottles of Propel hit a dollar. Fast forward to lots of bags breaking, Allissa breastfeeding in a parking lot, and Wendy's to celebrate, we spent a total of $4.00 between the both of us and we got 100 bottles!!!!!!
This all goes back to the concept of figuring out what you buy often, and searching for coupons for it. Figure out what you spend money on, what's expensive? Like razor cartridges, or cases of energy drinks, or even cigarettes. What do you buy often? Water bottles, dog treats, whatever. But the pricey items that you purchase and the very common items that you purchase are the biggest things that you need to be looking for coupons for. A coupon for your $10 razors is going to be a lot more helpful than a coupon for a can of potatoes. I don't think potatoes come in cans? A can of beans.
It is very easy to just figure out what you buy a lot of, or what you know you spend a lot of money on, and google "______ coupons". You can ebay "_____ coupons" and normally find something for everything. I wasn't even kidding about cigarette coupons, they exist. When I was a smoker I Ebay'ed Marlboro coupons and Basic coupons. Dip has coupons too, I know that can be a big hit for the budget because lots of husbands have one of those vices.
I drink a lot of propel so I Ebay "Propel coupons" and just find the cheapest way to get some. Ebay is my savior. I pray to it at night.
Some other really awesome things to Ebay are things that never expire really, like nonfood things. You can stock up and just keep them in your house.
Some ideas to get you started and thinking about what you spend your money on:
"Gillete coupons" - $2 - $4 off our husband's razors
"Propel coupons" - $1 off two bottles is still out there
"energy drink coupons" - these are ridiculously expensive and there are coupons out there
"gatorade coupons" - these are less than a dollar at the commissary and coupons make them even cheaper
"deodorant coupons" especially for clinical strength deodorants
"pet food coupons" - Izzy eats Eukanuba diet food because she's just so fat. The bag is $7 at the commissary, and whenever she starts running low I ebay "eukanuba coupon" and there's always a $10 off one bag. I spend about $2 on the coupon, and get $10 off my commissary bill.
If you weirdly go through dozens of hot dog packages a month, obviously you need to ebay your brand of hot dogs and "coupons". Not everything has a coupon, but it's still not the end of the world- you can go to their website for any kind of deal going on or sign up for their email for deals, or become their fan on Facebook to get heads up on things going on!
your blog is the funniest thing I have ever read!