WOW the difference between weeks 4 and 5 were INSANE. I'm reading my week 4 post about not having any symptoms but back aches and I wish I could say that now!
Today marks my fifth day of morning sickness. Rewind to 10 days ago, I decided to cook a Thanksgiving dinner. Ugh just typing about this makes me think about the food and makes me want to throw up but I'm on Matt's beloved Mac and he'll kill me so I won't. We had to schedule the dinner for last weekend to give my turkey time to thaw. It was set for Saturday, the 25th and I was going to have to cook the whole day. I can't even type what was on out menu, so just think Thanksgiving. I woke up SICK AS EVER, perfect timing! I haven't thrown up yet, but I constantly feel like I'm going to, heavy spit and all. Matt had to cook basically the entire meal, and I thought I was going to die. The smells, looking at the food, everything was horrible but I got through it. The leftovers are still in the fridge and I literally have to make an effort to not gag when I see them. I don't know what happened but I think I ruined Thanksgiving for myself. I dread November.
Every day since Saturday has been mis-er-a-ble!
Since this post is a complaining post, I just want to clarify something up for readers. I've wanted to get pregnant for about a year now, but couldn't because an essential piece to that puzzle (a PENIS with SPERM :p ) was either about to deploy or on the other side of the world. I've spent that year envying people who were pregnant, and seeing some absolutely hate being pregnant. I want to clarify that I don't hate being pregnant, I am VERY happy that Matt and I are having a baby! The things I'm not so happy about are some of the symptoms that come along, that's all. I don't want my "I hate morning sickness" post to be misinterpreted as "I hate being pregnant". We feel very blessed... Sick, but blessed. Aside from my constant worry, fear, and queezyness, I really am happy deep down even when I don't sound like it.
On another note besides morning sickness, my boobs feel like they have been attacked by a pack of wild dogs. Looking at them hurts. Any movement during sleep will wake me up because my boobs will literally start screaming.
My HORMONES are CARAAAAZY too. I'm waiting for the emotional crying stage, because lately I've been in the angry stage and it's making everyone in my house crazy. Even Izzy.
Add to the list back aches, nightmares and crazy vivid dreams, food cravings in between nausea (so far it's been Taco Bell, fish sticks, and turkey sandwiches, nothing weird), and zero energy! I am looking forward to that second trimester!
Here's to hoping the morning sickness, the boobs, and the hormones all calm down soon. And here's a picture!

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