Since last week nothing has really changed, except for the beginning of--as Allissa's husband said on my wall when I found out I was pregnant: Pregnet farts.

Pregnet farts are no laughing matter. There is simply just not enough awareness or tolerance in this country for such a serious illness. Our children should be educated in school so that this issue is understood from the getgo, and the people who suffer from it will not have to live in fear or shame.
I have researched some statistics to share with you: 7 out of 4 pregnant women suffer from pregnet farts. Over 2,000 die each day. I hope that I have your attention now.
There is not enough awareness in our world about this very serious issue, and I would like to shed some light and some knowledge as a fellow sufferer and future survivor of pregnet farts. If you or a loved one suffer from pregnet farts, the first thing you need to do is understand that it is okay, and you will make it. If untreated, pregnet farts can leave you sleeping alone at night, or always having to drive in a car by yourself because no one will go anywhere with you. The illness can upset strangers, animals, and even people who love you.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please talk to your doctor whlie there's still time: Hot gurgling in your stomach, a realization that you are about to expel a demon from your own body, the need to be near a toilet at all times, massive amounts of hot indescrible odor leaving you without your control, anger from everyone including dogs, isolation from everyone.
If you ever find yourself in that horrible moment where it happens in public and a stranger walks into it and they know you are to blame and you just have to pretend like you don't know what's going on, you are not alone. I am with you and we will find a cure.
Jessica Roberts, sufferer of pregnet farts.
On a much lighter note, here is a picture.

very funny!