Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm blogging?

Seriously.... why am I blogging? A part of me feels like a soccer mom right now. And another part of me feels like a 16 year old who just got off the bus and has to write about school and boys. I will be amazed if someone other than my mom reads this. Okay I will be amazed if someone outside of my or Matt's immediate family reads this.

I guess I'm just supposed to talk about my life. Well, I'm Jessica, or Jess, but never Jesse.....I'm 24 but I still can't remember that, so for the first 6 months of being 24, I will probably continue to say I'm 23. What am I doing... if people are reading this they are my mom, and my mom knows how old I am. Hi mom. I feel like a stupid loser douchebag. Love you, mom.

This was a fail.


  1. youre so cool jess. I want to be just like you.

  2. Your poor old mother-in-law is a sucker for stuff like this. I find out more about your lives through this type of venue than any other. I'm glad you created this so I can keep up with your busy lives. I love you both.
