Throughout the workups for this deployment, Matt will leave and come home about 9 times from March to September. He left last Sunday for Norfolk, Virgnia for a conference and comes home today. I went up there for two very miserable days where everything went wrong and I saw him a total of four hours. But he comes home today! He's only been there for a week, but still, every time he's gone and comes home is so exciting. I just cleaned the house, made sweet tea and pink lemonade, chocolate peanutbutter cookes (half went to Charlotte), and got ready. And I babypowdered Izzy (that's when you know there's an occassion- when Izzy gets babypowdered. And she gets very angry). I didn't mop the floors, I've lived here since March 12th and I still haven't done anything to clean the floors besides sweeping one time. That's probably gross... I pick things off the bottom of my feet all the time and they're permanently brown. I bet i just lost a couple friends.
Anywho, I'm killing time until I ge tin the car, head to base, pray not to get ID checked because I can't find my ID, make up a lie about being on my way to get a new ID if I do get my ID checked, and then I'll be picking up Matt! And eating Chili's for dinner with Charlotte and Jeremy because I can't stop thinking about spring rolls.


Yeah, I Google imaged Chili's food. :\
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